The Journey to Extraordinary | Paul Gentilini

I believe WE ALL HAVE THE POTENTIAL within us to become great, to become extraordinary.

However, becoming extraordinary is not an easy road and definitely not a path of least resistance. It’s not a button you push, not a microwave meal or a get-rich quick scheme.

How does one prove to be EXTRAORDINARY aka exceptional, outstanding, or above and beyond average?

The reality is TIME IS THE GREAT EQUALIZER, I heard Maggie say at i10 Solutions – a Sandler Training company. Everyone has the exact same amount of time, from Bill Gates to Bobby Joe down the street. What are you doing with your most valuable asset, time? Hopefully building, learning new skills, mentoring, receiving mentorship, reading, thinking, praying, etc.

A question I must ask myself is, What must I give up now in order to be great later? We all make choices now that lead to outcomes later. Choose wisely!

What is your BELIEF about yourself? This is really important. Studies recommend to daily affirm yourself. For example, I would say out loud ‘people are energized by me. I empower those around me to see their own potential and run towards greatness.’ You can only go as far as you believe you can.

Then there’s the one, two and three of behavior, attitude and technique.

Knowing your WHY. This is the step where you identify your motivation for becoming extraordinary. Is your WHY strong enough to drive you to make sacrifices and hang in there when you feel like giving up? If your why is strong enough – you’ll want it bad enough and go after it with all you’ve got!

A video about ‘GRIT’ to empower you:


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