Measurable Milestones

Establish measurable milestones to track your progress towards each goal. For example, if your goal is to learn a particular piece of music, set milestones such as mastering each section of the piece, achieving a desired tempo, or performing the piece fluently from memory. Having measurable milestones allows you to celebrate achievements along the way and stay motivated.

Grab your journal and write down your measurable milestones. Tracking your progress is huge! If nothing more, seeing your progress will inspire you with more energy to keep going. I will personally tell you, once you see the fruit of your progress, you will want to keep going and going!

You can also connect your milestone to accountability (more on accountability later). This is where you set a time in the future to perform for someone, putting you on the line to practice and progress. This will turn the heat up on motivation. I also recommend you think about your reward for when you reach your milestones. It’s important to celebrate your progress. I’ll add one more thing, at the end of each week, look at back at give yourself a pat on the back for all the times you practiced, progressing toward your desired outcome. 

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